Stubbornness and programming
Every now and then, there will be the type of problem to solve where I know it will require an extra cup of coffee, a …
Writing a toy WebSocket server from scratch
WebSocket (WS) connections are pretty neat. I’ve gotten to play around with them before, both for personal and …
What happens if you point two CNAMEs at each other? Not much, really
I dabble with DNS for work, and I’m frequently checking if CNAMEs are properly configured. CNAMEs are Canonical NAMEs, …
Sharpening the axe for programming
A woodsman was once asked, “What would you do if you had just five minutes to chop down a tree?” He answered, “I would …
Funny artifacts in a 3D house scan
I like to window shop houses on Zillow. I really enjoy the recent trend of 3D interior scans, as they help give you a …
My false start when learning to program
I got into programming after college, but there was a brief period of time when I had first tried to learn how to …
Work context, home context
When I usually think about context in the meta, non-technical part of being a software engineer, I usually think of …
How to break the Envoy CI at head
I like to talk about small mistakes I’ve made. I’m a big proponent of psychological safety, and as a champion for it, I …
Long running pull requests
There’s nothing quite like merging a pull request that has been pending for months. It’s so satisfying.
At Google, they …
How far behind a plane is its noise?
If you’re ever near a relatively low flying airplane, you may have noticed that it sounds like it’s in a different spot …